Hearts of iron 4 how to install mods
Hearts of iron 4 how to install mods

hearts of iron 4 how to install mods

The launch options are accessed in the menu opened by right-clicking the game and choosing 'Properties.'. Do this by adding -debug to your launch options in Steam.

  • Debug effectively by enabling Debug mode.
  • Use comments starting with # character, to remember reasons for writing tricky stuff.
  • Vanilla uses 1 tab for indentation rather than spaces.
  • Indent properly to easily spot unclosed braces.
  • Use UTF-8-BOM for localisation files (.yml).
  • Consider using a source control system like Git and a collaborative forge like GitHub to manage team collaboration, or just make a copy of the file somewhere else.
  • Backup your work to avoid losing everything.
  • Use a proper merge tool (like WinMerge), to merge between folders, and update modified vanilla files to a new vanilla patch.
  • So choose a name, no one else will ever use, like the name of your mod. (Your files can have any name, all files in the folder will be loaded by the game.
  • Minimize overwrites of vanilla files by adding separate files and loading from folders whenever possible, to improve mod compatibility and maintenance.
  • Use a good text editor (like Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code) to edit files and search into multiple files.
  • Never modify game files: use a mod even for small changes, and never modify directly game files in Steam Hearts of Iron 4 folder, as your changes may be undone without warning.

  • Hearts of iron 4 how to install mods